Some clients may prefer to see Dr. Myers online through Telehealth. Dr Myers is able to offer counseling services through Telehealth anywhere in the state of Texas.
The preferred platform for online counseling is, a HIPAA-compliant telemedicine website designed for healthcare professionals.
After the initial appointment is made, a link will be sent to the client's email for connection to At the time of the appointment, the client will log on using the link in their email and Dr. Myers will join the session.
Dr. Myers is able to see patients via cell phone with either FaceTime or Google Duo, but clients should be aware that these platforms are not HIPPA compliant, nor completely confidential.
Clients will need a private and quiet environment where they feel safe. Interruptions and excessive noise are not recommended, and may result in the appointment being rescheduled.
Personal phone calls or texting during a session is not allowed, as it is disruptive to the counseling session.
Conducting a counseling session while the client is driving will also not be allowed.
If you will be using Telehealth for your session, please download and complete the following file and return to Dr. Myers via email.
Coronavirus statistics, links to testing sites and vaccination centers in Hidalgo County.
CDC increases the health security of the United States. CDC conducts critical science and provides health information.
The COVID Coach app was created for everyone, including Veterans and Service members, to support self-care and overall mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The AMA tracks the latest developments on the COVID-19 outbreak.
Copyright © 2020 Linda Diane Myers Counseling - All Rights Reserved.
Photography by Erren Seale, 2020